The Kid

It was a normal day and I was home alone because my family had to go somewhere I didn’t know where they were going.  But I was sick and couldn’t go. I  needed some fresh air it wasn’t very nice outside but I went out anyway all of a sudden… there was this weird kid at the end of my driveway so I ran inside. I was starting to get really scared then I heard a knock at the door I didn’t answer it. I was too scared ten minutes later there was another knock I didn’t want to open the door but I had to so I opened the door nobody was there that made me really scared. Then I heard another knock but it came from the garage door so I opened and no one was there again. So then I looked out the back glass door and saw the same kid I saw before wandering around the backyard I didn’t know what to do so I went and turned off all the lights and hid where I could still see the kid so it seemed like no one was home.

I was also worried about my family because what they were doing was only supposed to take five to ten minutes I looked away from the kid to see how long it had been since my family left, and it had been twenty minutes but I couldn’t worry about that so looked back at the kid. He was gone I crawled to a different window to see if he was in the front yard and he wasn’t I started freaking out because the kid that was in my yard had just disappeared I turned on the lights but stayed hidden. Luckily my family came home fifteen minutes later and I told them all about it.

The End



3 thoughts on “The Kid

  1. Oh my goodness! This is so creepy! You didn’t recognize the kid?! That is so surprising in Bowdoinham! I can understand why you got nervous!

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